Side Effect: Dizziness

What is Dizziness?

Dizziness is a sensation of lightheadedness, unsteadiness, or the feeling that you might faint. Some patients can also experience the sensation that the surroundings are spinning or moving, known as vertigo. Dizziness can make it difficult to maintain balance and can occur with various medical conditions.

What does Dizziness look like?

Dizziness can manifest in different ways, including:

Who gets Dizziness?

While dizziness can affect anyone, some risk factors include:

How to prevent Dizziness

Dizziness prevention depends on its cause, but general prevention tips include:

How to treat Dizziness

Treatment of dizziness varies based on the underlying cause:


1) Muncie HL, Sirmans SM, James E. Dizziness: Approach to Evaluation and Management. Am Fam Physician 2017;95(3):154-162

Created: September 20, 2024 Updated: September 23, 2024