How often is monitoring needed?
Labs (blood tests) may be checked before treatment and periodically during treatment until stable. Labs often include: Complete Blood Count (CBC), Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), or basic metabolic panel (BMP), prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), plus any others your doctor may order. Low molecular weight heparin Anti-Xa (often referred to simply as “Anti ten-a”) levels may be checked in certain situations to monitor the blood activity level of enoxaparin.
How often is imaging needed?
Imaging is checked before treatment to diagnose the presence of a blood clot. Imaging may include: computerized tomography angiography (CT angiogram or CTA) scans, ventilation/perfusion (VQ) scan, or ultrasounds of arms or legs (also known as “venous dopplers”). Typically, if a blood clot is found on any of the above imaging techniques, it is not routinely repeated after starting therapy to see if the blood clot has gone away. Other imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) scans may be checked during treatment if there is a concern for bleeding into certain organs or tissues.
How might blood test results/imaging affect treatment?
Depending upon the results, your doctor may advise to continue enoxaparin as planned, temporarily hold treatment until the side effect goes away, or switch to an alternative therapy.
The serum creatinine (Scr), obtained from the “CMP” or “BMP” above, is often used to help determine the dose of enoxaparin. Adequate kidney function is required to safely dose this medication and to avoid bleeding. If your kidneys suddenly stop working or you cannot make urine, enoxaparin may be unsafe to continue and an alternative medication may be prescribed (example: heparin).